What Are The Pros And Cons Of Women Empowerment / Feminism

What are the pros and cons of women empowerment / feminism


   Better society. A more just and equitable distribution of power, wealth,logic and emotions driving major decision making processes.

   Hopeful decrease in the overwhelming crimes against both genders.

   Respect. Something which should be a fundamental right to every human being, but sadly isn't.

   A lesser, more humane society, in which, the first gender to be sent into war are not picked on the basis of a misguided sense of equality, but on a more capability and character basis.

   No free lunches to ladies just because they are so.

   Not referring to one gender as the "Fairer sex", and thereby, undermining the other one.


   Misguided sense of superiority among females, just because they are being given additional opportunities to make up for the injustice their mother's and sisters faced.

   A sense of power over males, because, patriarchy's deep roots have historically placed them at a pedestal above men.

   Equality, to most feminists nowadays, means Superiority over males, and so, this misuse of power will become more rampant.

   Females in the judiciary and legislature and the executive departments, tend to have less compassion for males than their female counterparts, which will be justified by citing historical examples, and in turn, provides a perfect opportunity of abuse of power as already seen in the forms of fake rape cases and dowry accusations.

All in all, its a truly double edged sword, when wielded correctly, can slay the enemies of society, or can harm itself when it isn't.


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